Earth Crisis

Earth Crisis originated in Syracuse, New York, in 1989, when singer Karl Buechner at the age of 18 got out of high school, wanting to start a band that would address the issues he felt so strong about. He was then playing bass and DJ Rose sang. After a while DJ Rose quit the band to do other things, so Karl began to sing......

Answers by Scott Crouse after the recording of "Slither"





So, what's new with you? Any line-up changes?
- We have been spending a lot of time working on the new record. We still have the same line-up as "Breed the Killers".

What happened with RoadRunner?
-They had no vision for our band and basically did nothing to support our record in the US. Europe we were actually happy with the company but because things were so bad here we had to leave.

What's the Hardcore scene like over with you at the moment?
- Hardcore is at a low point over here right now, but it always goes through cycles and I'm sure soon it will change. We have been doing a lot of touring with bands like The Misfits and Sepultura recently.

Will you be touring Europe in 2000?
- We'll be touring in Europe in August and September and hopefully will come to Ireland. Dennis and Karl are both Irish.

How's the recording of the new record going?
- The record was just finished 2 days ago and it came out really well. It was recorded and produced by Steve Evetts and he did an excellent job.

Do you like your time in the studio, or do you view it as something you just have to do to get your record out?
-I really enjoy the time in the studio. I really like the creative vibe of the studio. It's for me the best part of doing the band.

'Breed the Killers' was quite different to 'Gommorahs....', can we expect a big difference with 'Slither'?
-"Slither" is more about imagery. The image of a snake slithering around ready to attack can be adapted to many of the songs on this record. Whether they be politically motivated songs or personal it sets the feel for the record.

Whats the inspiration for 'Slither'?
-Hatred drives us all onward.

You play Europe very little; do you like it?
-I enjoy playing in Europe. We play the States so often that going to Europe is a nice change of pace. It is different playing in Europe, not in a good or bad way, just different.

Are you going to do anything else with the project band Path Of Resistance?
It was just a one-time thing we did when our drummer was hurt in the big car accident we were all in. Just something to pass time basically. It was fun, but it served it's purpose.

What do you like to do in your spare time?
-We all snowboard and skate and bike a lot in our off time.

Who would you like to take out on tour with you, and who would you like to open for?
-We'd really like to take out Hot Water Music on tour with us. Really nice guys. We would love to open for Slipknot to name one of the many.

Anything you want to add?
Thanks for the interview. Check our website for more info about our tours, pictures, info...

SPERMINATOR - Early 2000

Earth Crisis is Karl Buechner - Vocals, Ian Edwards - Bass, Eric Edwards (who replaced Kris Weichmann) - Guitar, Dennis Merrick - Drums, and Scott Crouse - Guitar . Earth Crisis has today become one of the leading bands in the hardcore genre, using the band to promote the vegan straight edge lifestyle. Their message is to convey every wrong in humanity, with animal liberation being their most prominent, but also all the wrongs man does. Their music and lyrical content make them one of the most powerful bands in the scene.


-All out All War (MCD - 92)
-Firestorm (MCD - 93)
-Destroy the Machines (95)
-Gomorrah's Season Ends (96)
-The Oath that Keeps Me Free (98 - live with 2 unreleased tracks)
-Breed the Killers (98)
-Slither (2000)
-Last of the Sane (2001)