'New Testament'

(Osmose productions)


MARK: 88/100



A fundamental band that anticipated the popularity of speed, thrash and akin genres is back with well 14 re-recorded songs and a new one, if my memory doesn't betray me.

"Rising of the Dead", is fast and epic, with a few vocals a là Judas Priest.
"Violence and Force" is one of their most popular hits, thanks to the high vocals and the memorable chorus.
"Rule with an Iron Fist" is the new track, yet faithful to their tradition of course.
"Rain of Terror" was written in the 90's and is the only track they made a videoclip for. Also includes some unusual low vocals and a heroical break.
The masterpiece "Brutal Warning" is absolutely irresistible: fast, in-your-face and effective.
"Victims of Sacrifice" is a long mid-paced composition.
From the badly criticized homonymous album is the fast "The Dark Command"; to me a cool song even if not up to their early period.
"I Am the Beast" is based on screams and speed; that's surely close to the early Anthrax's sonorities, and Accept too, I'd say. It was written after the 1985 tour in company with Motörhead.
A real anthemic song, especially live, is the classic "Pounding Metal", here including different vocals.
One of the songs that pioneered Speed and Tharsh metal is "Stand up and Fight", whereas "Heavy Metal Maniac" is a funny song which, as the title suggests, is basic heavy metal rather than Exciter's classic Power-Thrash/Speed blend.
"Black Witch" is the longest track of all, of which the first 2 minutes go away with an arpeggio of acoustical guitar, then it comes an arpeggio with the electrical one and the climax brings to a peculiar enough structure. It sounds very Manowar and the lyrics have been changed.
"Burn by the Snake" displays a granitical drumwork, and alternates mid-paced tempos and a few accelerations, along with a long axe solo.
"Long Live the Loud" is another fast anthem, while the closer "Ritual Death" is probably one of those I liked more in this restyling edition; there's a hauting killer riff, and the song itself differs from the rest. It's definitely the most wicked song of the 15 here included!

As to the recording, the sounds have been maintained 100% 80's and after the recording by John Ricci, Jacques Belanger and Rick Charron, a new bass player has joined the Canuck Act, Rob 'Clammy' Cohen, so expect a new platter with just new songs. For those who have nothing (grave crime, shame on you!) by this band, this crash course is like a hand from the sky, but for those who 'travel' around 30 years of age, it's just a pleasant appetizer for the wait, making me hope in a deserved new rosy future for these true prime-movers, influence for a hell of a important bands.