'Waiting for His Return'

(Hells Headbangers)

MARK: 98/100


The most popular NS brutal Death metal band is back, a few years after "Blackest Hymns of God's Disgrace" with 9 tracks taking a bye on any sort of compromise.

After a short intro starts the title track, only song with a drum programming; stomping riffs, original and hugely grim vocals together with unstoppable tank-like drums make way to a merciless refrain and afterwards a crushing Doom break; hard to fancy more blackened drumming and more downtuned guitars; as if it weren't enough, the bestial devastation is completed by Lupara's and Broken Hope's Scott Creekmore's guest vocals. Practically, a perfect song.
"Into Hands of Sinners" is headbanging Death metal between Lividity and Regurgitation, embellished and enriched by double demonic vocals, thanks to Fleshgrind's Rich Lipscomb's guest throat intervention as well as Putrid Pile's Shaun Lacanne's.
The work of antiChristianity and antiSemitism goes on with "Temple of Blasphemy", whose time variations are simply annihilating, while "Forced Inside Your Church" is a fiercer version of Deicide, one more time due to the traces left by Lipscomb and Lacanne.
The palm of best title and lyrics should definitely be appointed to "Did Not Die for Me"; the superb work behind the skins and cymbals is brought out by the clear and overwhelming recording; the piece seems over but suddenly the final Doom part anticipates the reprise of the initial part.
"Terror in the Holy Land (9-11)" makes me think that Order from Chaos and Angelcorpse have found deign heirs in the new millennium, whereas the covers of Slayer's "Piece by Piece" and Destruction's "Tormentor" measure up to the originals.

What stated before would be sufficient to urge you fill the shopping cart with this CD blindfold, yet I wanna add that the artwork is a plus; it's a euphemism to say that it's priceless, it's what I've always dreamed to have on my band's CD and it seems like Evil Incarnate read my thought! Makes me think about war and indeed if I was a general I'd make it listen to my troops before a battle or a raid. "Waiting for His Return" is probably the best release by Medina's label so far and brings the extremities of brutal Death metal a span over. Horns up!


Current line-up:
Michael Eisenhauer - v., b. (ex-Num Skull)
Rob Rigney - g.
Garrett Scanlan - d.
(ex-Corpsevomit (US)

E-mail: endless_persecution@yahoo.com
Official site:

-Beyond Blapshemy (1995 - demo)
-Evil Incarnate (1997 - demo)
- Christ Destroyed (1998 - demo)
-Blood of the Saints Full-length (1999 - CD)
-Blackest Hymns of God's Disgrace (2000 - CD)
-Waiting for His Return (2005 - CD)